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This course is a result of the reform of the lower secondary school curriculum (LSSC) in Uganda. The reform emphasizes …


This course is a result of the reform of the lower secondary school curriculum (LSSC) in Uganda. The reform emphasizes changes in what is taught in schools, how it is taught and how long it should take. This will make you a unique person when you leave school, whatever you do thereafter. In the past, the main aim of going to school was to acquire knowledge (facts and ideas) about each subject. Now, the main aim is that you should be able to acquire both knowledge and understanding as you develop skills, values and competencies. These skills or competencies include the ability to think critically, the ability to communicate effectively with others, and the ability to be creative and to solve societal problems, among others. You should also be able to find out information and ideas for yourself rather than just relying on your teacher or textbooks.

To facilitate the aims of the reformed LSSC, this book has a variety of activities for you to do , as well as information for you to read. The activities present you with the opportunity to learn and find out things for yourself. You already have a lot of knowledge and ideas based on your own experiences in life and within your own community. Some of the activities, therefore, require you to think about the knowledge and ideas you already have. In using this book, therefore, it is essential that you do all the activities. You will not progress effectively with your studies unless you do these activities. They are the most important part of this book since they enable you to acquire the relevant skills needed for your survival in this competitive world.

One of the objectives of the reformed LSSC is to help you find things out for yourself. Some activities, therefore, ask you to carry out research using books in the library, the Internet, if your school has this, or other sources, such as newspapers and magazines. This means you will develop the skills of learning for yourself when you leave school.

Course Currilcum

    • In this unit, you will investigate and understand the properties of magnets and explain how the earth behaves as a magnet.
    • Sample Activity of Integration – Magnets and Magnetic Field. 10, 00:00
    • THE SOLAR SYSTEM Details FREE 1 year
    • In this unit, you will understand the movement of the earth and moon in relation to the sun and explain the consequences of these relative movements to life on the earth.
    • Sample Activity of Integration –The Solar System 10, 00:00
    • ELECTROSTATICS Details FREE 1 year
    • In this unit, you will understand electrostatics and use it to explain lightning and other phenomena
    • Sample Activity of Integration – ELECTROSTATICS 10, 00:00