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SENIOR ONE HISTORY & POLITICAL EDUCATION This content has been created and optimized in line with the revised subject syllabus. …



This content has been created and optimized in line with the revised subject syllabus. The knowledge and skills which have been incorporated are what is partly required to produce a learner who has the competences that are required in the 21st century.

This has been done by providing a range of activities which will be conducted both within and outside the classroom setting. The learner is expected to be able to work as an individual, in pairs and groups according to the nature of the activities.

The teacher as a facilitator will prepare what the learners are to learn and this Learner’s content here is one of the materials which are to be used to support the teaching and learning process.

Dear learner, this course consists of both History and Political Education. These two subjects have been combined because they complement each other. The focus is majorly on the East African Region. History on the one hand helps you to understand our past, compare it with our present and do a forecast for the future. Political Education on the other hand will help you to live in a civic society, have models of good leadership and enable you perceive how best the world would be led for harmonious living.

This course will help you to develop your critical thinking skills through analysis of events that occurred in the past and their effect on society. It will train your mind how to think and process information. You will be able to reason logically through research writing and problem solving which are major approaches of studying the subject. You will also be able to appreciate the importance of politics in development.

Several activities have been presented in this course to help you achieve the learning outcomes of each chapter through acquisition of the necessary skills. After going through a chapter, revisit the learning outcomes at the beginning of the chapter and check if you have achieved them. If there is any learning outcome you feel you have not achieved, do more practice to ensure that you achieve it.

Each chapter has an activity of integration which you will be expected to attempt at the end. This activity is used to assess whether you have acquired the competences, knowledge, values and skills to be learnt in a given chapter. The key skills you are expected to achieve are: logical reasoning, critical thinking, research, and problem - solving and communication skills. This course consists of 9 chapters which you will learn in the whole of Senior One.

Course Currilcum

  • Finding Out about Our Past Details 1 year
  • After studying this chapter, you will be able to understand the meaning of the term ‘history’ and how it relates to political education. The reasons for studying History and Political Education will be highlighted in the course of this book. On the same note, different methods of finding out about our past and to evaluate the benefits of historical sites in East Africa are presented.
  • CHAPTER ONE – Activity of Integration 10, 00:00
  • CHAPTER TWO Details 1 year
  • The Origin of Man
  • CHAPTER TWO: Activity of Integration 10, 00:00
  • Details 00:00:00
  • Culture and Ethnic Groups in East Africa Details 1 year
  • Traditionally, families have been a source of moral being and discipline among the children. It was a duty of a man to create sanity and protect family as our mothers concentrate on feeding children, building values and character. However, owing to changing global trends, women and children are now taking the lead in some families.
  • CHAPTER FOUR: Activity of Integration 10, 00:00
  • State Formation in East Africa Details 1 year
  • Pre-colonial societies existed in two forms, i.e. centralized and non-centralised, also known as decentralised. While centralized societies had one leader at the top, non-centralised ones had many leaders, each heading a clan
  • CHAPTER FIVE: Activity of Integration 10, 00:00
  • Our history appreciates the religions we had here in East Africa before the coming of foreign religions. The entry of new religions, basically Christianity and Islam, contributed a lot to the political, economic and social development of the East Africans. Despite this, some of the converts were killed in 1886 at Namugongo and other parts of Kampala.
  • CHAPTER SIX: Integrative situation 10, 00:00
  • Local and External Trade Contacts with East African Communities Details 1 year
  • After studying this chapter, you should be able to explain the local trade systems that existed in East Africa before 1000 AD and afterwards show the impact of external trade contacts on the East African communities. Learning about the above pre-colonial trade systems will help you appreciate the current trade systems in the globalised world, and be able to solve the challenges related to external trade contacts.
  • CHAPTER SEVEN: Activity of integration 10, 00:00
  • The Scramble and Colonisation of East Africa Details 1 year
  • After studying this chapter, you should be able to explain the causes, methods and impact of colonisation in East Africa, then solve any situational problem that mayemerge.
  • CHAPTER EIGHT: Activity of Integration 10, 00:00
  • Response to the Establishment of Colonial Rule in East Africa Details 1 year
  • After studying this chapter, you should be able to explain why and how the East African communities reacted to the coming of the colonialists. Thereafter you can solve any problem related to this chapter.
  • CHAPTER NINE: Activity of Integration 10, 00:00