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Fountain History and Political Education for Uganda Secondary Schools Learner’s Book 3 A Competency Based ApproachLearner’s Book Three has been …


Fountain History and Political Education for Uganda Secondary Schools Learner's Book 3 A Competency Based Approach

Learner's Book Three has been prepared in line with the revised Secondary School
Curriculum in Uganda. The book will equip you with the skills, values and competencies
that you need to become a useful contributor to the society and the world of work.
This book will develop your abilities to become a critical thinker, a good communicator
and a creative person. It has been prepared to make you learn as an individual with
minimal support of the teacher. In the new curriculum, the teacher has become a
facilitator. He will guide you to achieve your goals.
This book has been prepared with both notes and learning activities. The activities
will enable you to explore your abilities building on real life experience in the present
situations. The activities are engaging and will require you to analyse and discuss
historical and political events using your current experience.
This book will prepare you to learn from other people within and outside class. You
will learn to read and work within a group environment and share ideas. This will
greatly be a better learning environment for you.
You will find this book very interesting and enjoyable to read. It will improve your
understanding of history and the political education of East Africa and the rest of the

Course Currilcum