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NMR: New Media analytics, research and measurement Everyday, many messages are published online and in traditional media. All are intended …

$ 600 per 365 days

NMR: New Media analytics, research and measurement

Everyday, many messages are published online and in traditional media. All are intended to achieve some objective of change in behavior, adoption of recommended practices interest and uptake of products and or services. But how effective are the messages posted? How many people have been reached? What is the impact or outcome of the message? These are some of the questions you will learn to answer through this comprehensive course on new media analytics, research and measurement. You will also learn how to listen and track conversations that people are having across the web on a particular issue or brand e.g education, agriculture, parliament.. This course helps you to get, interpret and analyse online metrics and insights so you can improve your communication results. Analytics can also help you to turn visitors into consumers and also to design target based campaigns for your audience. With all the hype and many recommended practices for communicating effectively online, there is need for statistics to support not just return on investment but defend the particular strategies you are deploying. From content planning to qualitative audience research, online data can be a dynamic source of actionable business insights. At the end you should be able to drive strategic decision-making across the business with meaningful insights from social data and analytics.

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