Religious education for Uganda secondary schoolsThis textbook IS part of the reform of the school curriculum In Uganda Changes are …
Religious education for Uganda secondary schools

This textbook IS part of the reform of the school curriculum In Uganda Changes are in terms of what taught in how it is taught and how long it should take. This Will make you a unique when you leave school and whatever you do thereafter.
In the the main am to gong to school was to acquire knowledge, that IS, facts and ideas at) each subject. Today, the main aim is that you acquire both knowledge and understanding as you develop skills, values and competencies. These skills or competencies include; the ability to think for yourself, to communicate with others what you have learnt, to think creatively and critically to develop your own ideas other than just following those of teachers and textbooks.
This means you are guided/ equipped to find out information and ideas by yourself rather than just relying on what the teacher or textbook tells you. This book is aimed at promoting the spiritual and moral development of leaners. It will encourage you to search for meaning, value and purposes of morality and beliefs that are upheld in society It has a variety of activities for you to do, and information for you to read.
The activities present to you the opportunity to learn and find out things by yourself. You already have a lot of knowledge and ideas based on your own experiences in life and within your own community. While using this book, it is essential that you do all the activities. You will not learn properly unless you do these activities. In some way, this makes learning more of a challenge.
It is more difficult to think for yourself than to copy what the teacher tells you. But if you take up this challenge, you will become a and more successful person in life. You will also learn a lot from other people within the groups created in class and ideas shared together. You learn and achieve together.
A learning problem can easily be solved by discussing it with others.
Opportunities to learn are well shared and different tasks are given to every member of the group. Many of the activities in this book, therefore, involve discussion or other activities in groups or pairs. Your teacher will help to organize the groups and may arrange the classroom in such a way that you sit facing each other to discuss properly.
Course Currilcum
- Respect for human life Details FREE 11 months, 3 weeks
- senior One, you learnt about worship, the form and importance of worship, You also leant about Rituals, celebrations, belief and values promoted by different This means that you can now help people of different religions in your community to live harmoniously« in this chapter, you be introduced to human dignity and the ways how religions promote respect for human life by promoting the values of tolerance, respect, fairness harmony and peaceful co-existence This chapter will help you to five with others respectfully and peacefully without hostility or unfriendliness.
- Sample Activity of Integration – respect for human life 10, 00:00
- LSC: S2 MARRIAGE Details FREE 11 months, 3 weeks
- In the previous chapter, you studied about respect for human life and dignity. You also studied why humans were created both male and female. In this chapter, you are going to study the meaning and purpose of courtship and marriage. You will be guided to discover how marriage nurtures the values of love, honesty, respect, harmony, and generosity.
- sample activity of integration – marriage 10, 00:00
- LSC: S2 FAMILY Details FREE 1 year
- After studying and practicing the activities in this chapter, you will be able to: understand the importance of family to society to promote unity. know the various types of family to develop unity, empathy, loyalty and generosity. understand the roles of different members of the family, to promote the values of individual responsibility. appreciate the values of harmony within the family relationships. understand current family trends. appreciate Christian teaching about family. understand the types of family in traditional African society. understand how modernity has influenced the African family.
- sample activity of integration-family 10, 00:00