The Occupational Profile (OP) of a DANCER. This Occupational Profile
which was reviewed by Dancers practicing in the world of work mirrors the duties
and tasks that Dancers are expected to perform.
0.2 PART II: Training Modules in the form of guidelines to train Dancers both on the
job as well as in training centres (or combinations of both venues of learning). The
Training Modules herein have been reviewed basing on the Occupational Profile
and hence are directly relevant for employment.
0.3 PART III: Assessment Instruments in the form of performance (Practical) and
written (theory) test items that can and should be used to assess whether a person
complies with the requirements of employment as a DANCER. These assessment
instruments were reviewed jointly by job practitioners (Dancers) and instructors
based on the occupational profile and training modules.
0.4 While the Occupational Profile (OP) contained in PART I of this document provides
the information on WHAT a person is expected to do competently in the world of
work, the test items, – including performance criteria- of PART III qualify the HOW
and/or HOW WELL a person must do the job.
0.5 The modular format of the curriculum (PART II) allows learners to acquire job
specific skills and knowledge (i.e. competencies) module by module. A single
module can be accomplished within a relatively short duration allowing flexibility for
learners to move directly into an entry level job, go for further modules or advance
to higher levels of training. Modular courses allow more learners to access the
training system because training centres as well as companies can accommodate
more learners in a given period of time.
0.6 In addition to improved access, equity and relevance of BTVET, the UVQF will also
enable people who are convinced to have acquired competencies laid down in this
ATP through prior training and on-the-job experience to access assessment and
certification directly; be it on the basis of a single module, a group of modules or all
modules pertaining to the occupation at once. This achievement will facilitate
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
UVQF: Assessment Training Packages (ATP) for a DANCER
0.7 The parts of this Assessment and Training Package were sequentially reviewed as
i Part 1: Occupational Profile: August 2020
ii Part 2: Training Modules: August 2020
iii Part 3: Assessment Instruments (initial bank): August 2020
This ATP (or parts of it) may be periodically revised to match the dynamic trends in the
occupation and hence issued in different versions.
DIT takes responsibility of any shortcomings that might be identified in this publication
and welcomes suggestions for effectively addressing the inadequacies. The suggestion
can be communicated to DIT through P.O. Box 20050, Kampala or through email
[email protected].