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English New Lower Secondary Curriculum Syllabus

English New Lower Secondary Curriculum Syllabus

English New Lower Secondary Curriculum Syllabus

Language and literacy are of personal, social and economic importance. Our ability to use language lies at the centre of the development and expression of our emotions, thoughts, learning and sense of personal identity. Language is a key aspect of culture. Literacy is fundamental to all areas of learning, as it unlocks
access to the wider curriculum, and increases opportunities for individuals in all aspects of life, including laying the foundation for lifelong learning and work, and contributing strongly to the development of all human capacities. Language learning contributes to the development of critical and creative thinking. It develops competence in listening and speaking, reading and writing. Learners acquire the personal,
interpersonal and team-working skills which are so important in life and in the world of work.

English is an important international language, used widely not only in Anglophone countries but also by millions of speakers of other languages as their common means of communication. In their English lessons, students will build on the skills acquired in their primary school to understand and
participate in lengthier, more diverse and complex spoken communication. They will read for information and enjoyment and broaden and deepen their reading habit to include a range of different types of texts, both factual and imaginative.

They will also practice different types of writing, both informal and formal and proofread their own written output. The ability to communicate is fundamental to life and to learning. Facility in speaking, listening, reading and writing enables learners to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and to communicate with others effectively. It enables learners to become enthusiastic and critical readers
of stories, poetry and drama as well as non-fiction. New technologies have extended the contexts of communication so that learners can speak and listen to others electronically, and can read and write in a wide variety of forms.

Topics in the English Language are organized along four broad themes:

  • Personal
  • Public
  • Educational
  • Occupational
    These provide communicative situations which are relevant for the lower secondary learner in terms of his or her personal communication needs operating effectively, in public at large, progressing through the educational system and entering the world at work

Download the syllabus using this link


Teaching and Learning English

The thrust of the new syllabuses is experiential and towards deeper understanding. The thrust in English is
away from an emphasis on grammar and towards an emphasis on the acquisition of the four key practical skills of:

  • Speaking
  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Writing
    This syllabus provide learners with a wide range of contexts in which to develop these four skills and these contexts are designed to engage the interest of the learner and to provide opportunities to build work-related knowledge, experience and skills. Teachers are encouraged to go beyond the
    textbooks and provide as many meaningful contexts as possible. The generic skills have been integrated throughout the curriculum and can only be acquired through active approaches.
  • The role of the teacher is to build on learners’ existing knowledge and experience, but to extend that by posing problems to the learners. This makes them think about their own ideas and experiences as well as adding new knowledge and skills to it.

  • Learners need to interact with real situations inside and outside the classroom. They need to look at pictures or diagrams, examine statistics, or read texts from a range of sources. They need to find out knowledge and ideas for themselves. They should then be expected to express these in their own words, not those of the teacher, and so demonstrate that they have understood what they have learnt.
    In this approach, learners are encouraged to:
  • Be responsible for their own learning
  • Think for themselves and form their own ideas and opinions
  • Become critical thinkers, ready to face new challenges and situations for themselves

Download the syllabus using this link


March 5, 2024

1 responses on "English New Lower Secondary Curriculum Syllabus"

  1. Book 3 for lower secondary are not yet out in some schools

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