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You can access UNEB past exam questions and answers for different subjects as examined at Primary Laving Examinations,UgandaGET UNEB PAST PAPERS AND ANSWERS FOR THE LAST 10 YEARS 11Certificate of Education and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education.

PLE Examinations UCE Examinations UACE Examinations Pre UNEB Examinations
March 15, 2023


  1. An Excellent service to all parents, teachers and students

  2. Solutions to UACE Mathematics,Chemistry & Biology Paper 1& 2, for years 2012,2013 & 2014

  3. Chemistry 1and 2 with answers

  4. Oh!thanks but can u help me History O’Level

  5. Hey 👋 i would like 2 give me five different introduction on world war 1

  6. mathematics ,physics,chemistry,commerce,biology,history east &west,geograph uce question &answers

  7. hy may you give history past paper 2015 both paper 1 and 2

  8. o level history past papers of 2016 both paper 1 and 2 with ans

  9. hello, can you please give me some I. R. E past papers,?! Thank you.

  10. Comment I need art past papers for five years back from 2015 and below thanks

  11. Help with o’level past papers chemistry

  12. Please colleagues in academic cycles, Please share with me PLE past papers for Primary seven 2018, english and mathematics

  13. Please colleagues in academic cycles, Please share with me PLE past papers for Primary seven 2018, english and mathematics, thank you for your consideration

  14. physics uce questions and solutions

  15. hello friends, I would love to have a look at the o’level chemistry practical past papers for the near past years from 2018 backwards to about 2010 please.

  16. Hello All,

    How do I obtain PLE past papers with answers for the last three years?

    Thank you


  17. great work and service rendered to the society of Uganda.
    i kindly request for Computer Studies Past Papers and Solutions since last year and the previous years.
    thanking you kindly in advance.

  18. dearly comrades;
    kindly requesting for Computer Studies Past Papers and Solutions since last year and the previous 15 years.
    positive consideration and feedback is welcomed

    • Dear Mukisa Philegon,
      Thank you for reaching out to our site. We currently do not have Computer Studies Past papers and solutions but we are in the process of getting them so please reach out to us in the next month to get them. Please reach Jane on +256781630351, or Edward on +256785961809.


  19. i have not seen history Alevel

  20. I do request for Geography paper 1 and 2 for the last 10 years.

    • Dear Samuel,
      Thank you for visiting our site.
      We are in the process of getting the past papers for those last 10 years. Please visit us in the next 2 months and we shall have them ready.


  21. How do I get the past papers and answers

  22. Would like Agriculture O level past papers please.

    • Dear Ssemanda,
      We are yet to upload Physics 2018 on the site and as soon as we do, we shall let you know.
      Please reach out to this number +256781630351 in a month.


  23. could you please post for past papers for french o level

    • Dear Eugene,

      We are in the process of getting French past papers on the site in the next months. Please reach out to +256781630351 after that time and you will get it.


  24. May I get past papers for this combination in A level HEG/ICT.
    Nb E= entrepreneurship and should be latest.

  25. Hi could you pliz post for us Islamic past papers o level.

    • Dear Khadija,
      Thank you for visiting our site.
      We are in the process of ensuring that all past papers of Islam are up on the site in a month so please come back then or reach me directly on +256781630351 for answers.


  26. Is it possible for me to download any marking guide for uneb

    • Dear Jawadu,
      Thank you for coming to our site. We currently do not have marking guides of UNEB on the site but we are in the process of uploading them on our site. Please visit the site again in one month and we shall have them. Reach out directly on +256781630351 incase you encounter any other issues.


  27. dear sir kindly send us some uneb questions with answers of entreprenuership education

  28. Hello i needed geography paper 1 from 2016 to 2018

  29. please send me CRE paper 3 uneb past papers and answers

  30. Comment
    please send me UCE a griculture past papers for the last 20 years and marking guides.thanks

  31. Kindly get me Agriculture 2018 question paper, guide list for Agriculture practicals and marking guide. All for 2018.

    • Dear Julius,
      Thank you for visiting our site. We are currently in the process of updating content on the site and we shall have Agriculture 2018 papers ready in one month. Please feel free to reach out on +256781630351/[email protected].
      Please be on the site to get them when the time comes.


  32. Hello sir nice to meet u here I hope u will help me predict my end of year exams with your past papers of have for the combination of MEG/ICT Thanks.

  33. Hello, kindly I need UACE studio technology past papers

  34. Hello, am requesting for history past papers for both o’level (p/1 &4) and A’ LEVEL (p/1 &3)

  35. Can I please have a copy of the UACE Mathematics for the last 6 years

    • Dear Keneth,
      Thank you for visiting our site.
      We are currently in the process of looking for the Mathematics UACE papers and we shall inform you when they are ready.
      You can reach us directly on +256781630351 for more information.


  36. Excuse me my dears, how can i get the past paper and answers for chemistry(UCE) 2014.

  37. Hello! can u please send me the past paper for chemistry 2016 and its answers on my Email.

    • Dear Peter,
      Thank you for visiting our site. We can avail you the Past papers on email but at a cost since you need them on your email but you are free to access them on the site. Please reach out to +256781630351 incase of anymore inquiries.

  38. hello can i past papers o level history

    • Dear Ben,
      We are currently putting up the past papers for Olevel History and we shall have completed by the end of this month. Please visit the site after to find them. The notes are for sell if you need them in soft copy and free to access on the website online. Reach out to +256781630351 for more inquiries.


  39. hello I need math notes both paper 1 and 2 for A level and also past papers and answers please

  40. Hey guys I need Math and Physics of O level please … How do I get those

  41. Hlo gd mrng guys and thanks for da great work u , cud u plz get me UACE 2018 answers of MTC thanks

  42. Kiswahili and French O level

  43. A entrepreneurship paper 2

  44. Hello could you give me the past papers for French paper 2 and 3

  45. Hey can any 1 help me with UACE 2018 Ent papers 1,2and3 thanks

  46. can I get a passed paper ICT papers from 2016 to 2018 both paper 2 and 3

  47. what of PLE past papers

  48. hellooo guys thx for the wonderful work your doing but kindly requesting for past papers of luganda 2018

  49. i would love to study advanced history (europe and african nationalism),economics and enterprenuership education past papers and answers

  50. i want all uneb past paper for the last 10 years for divinity 1,2,3 &ent 1,2,3 & lug 1,2,3

  51. Hero to you all can I access uneb past papers UCE 2019 and answers to all papers

  52. i wound like Geography and Entreprentreship Paper

  53. i would like 2 study A Level entreprenurship and ict papers

  54. I would like to have the U.A.C.E past papers and their solutions(1998-2010)

  55. hello could you give me past paper for arts and it’s solutions

  56. Good morning teams, I am in need of PLE Past Papers from 2010 – 2019 if possible, you can reached me on E-mail: [email protected] or Call: +256-772013270.

    Okot Robert

  57. Solutions for UACE physics paper 1 and paper 2006

  58. halo. I would request you to send me kiswahili past papers for o level

  59. thanks for helping uganda.

  60. May you please send me past papers for cre 224/ 1,2 and 5

  61. Hello uneb i request for past papers for geography paper one O an A level

  62. hello pliz post for me history paper 1 and 3 for a.level
    Geography 1,2,3 and ent paper 1,2,3

  63. Hello post for me mathematics 2019,2018,past papers of PLE.

  64. i need answers to maths paper 2 of 2018

  65. hello i need answers to uce maths paper 2 of 2018

  66. am looking questions for p.7 or past papers for ple

  67. Hy am peter Paul am requesting UCE 2008 math paper 1 answers thk u

  68. Hi, am Abaho Bryan requesting UACE past papers (Physics, Economics and Mathematics) for the last 5 years and answers pliz

  69. hi kindly help me with the past papers for UCE from the year 2015-2019

  70. Am Edison Kabalega trust am requesting all o level notes s3 and s4

  71. answers to uneb ple 2015 math paer

  72. Hello,pliz help me with past papers of Biology and chem UACE frm 2017-2019 with answers

  73. Helo am Paul could u help me UACE history nationalism 2014-19

  74. Hi is it possible to get UCE physics papers and solutions for the year 2007 – 2017?
    Kindly send me the link if yes. Thank you

  75. hello!
    i would like to request you past papers for secondary school chemistry,biology,physics and maths.

  76. How about UCE physics and maths marking guides?

  77. Hello goodlife pliz help me with past papers for o level chemistry ,biology,physics &maths 2019.thank.

  78. Hello, may I get the past papers of 2014,2015,2016,2017 and 2018,if possible, thanks God bless you.

  79. Hey may I have history UACE,paper 3and6 from 2013-2018.Thanks

  80. Hey, good evening. I’m Lawrence Okot from Soroti. If you have anything English both paper one n two for S4 you can give me on [email protected]

  81. Hello thanks for the good work.
    May I access O level mathematics question papers

  82. I want past papers for sst,english,science and math

  83. Its a wonderful service but help me with answers to number 12 of 2007mathematics uneb

  84. thank u banange

  85. Help me with chemisty practical uce with answers.

  86. hellow goodevening may get uce computer and agriculture pastpaper 2015-2019

  87. ineed solutions to math 2017 past paper

  88. How au? ineed UCE UNEB timetable 2021

  89. I need ple uneb questions and answers.

  90. Hi please can u help me answers of mathematics uneb past paper of 2019 thanks l will be waiting

  91. Hello friends, am in love of revising UCE chemistry and biology past papers for the last 3 years that is 2019,2018 and 2017

  92. phsics,math,English for 2010_ 2015

  93. Pliz send me the 2019 computer marking guide paper 1. O-level.

  94. Kindly send me some s.4 kiswahili past papers

  95. I want to pass the exams of uce 2021 may God be upon mi.Amen

  96. hello gud afternoon uneb team if possible sent 4 me 2013,2012 and 2011 olevel pass papers for science subjects thk u

  97. hello,i was requesting 4 some mathematics past papers section b

  98. Hello may help me with UACE past paper question for the last 5years and there answers

  99. gdafternoon sir.can u plz help mi with past papers for HEI/ICT

  100. Mr,am warried math primary seven this year just hope mi bro

  101. am humbly requesting for UACE chemistry past papers and their marking guides from 2010 to 2019

  102. Am in love to revize langanda pastpapers from 2010 to 2019

  103. Am in love to revize langanda pastpapers from 2010 to 2019


  105. Am requesting you members to attach for me A’ Level IRE UNEB Past Paper for 1, 3, 5
    I will be very grateful
    can Whatsaap on 0752660256 Or Email: [email protected]


  106. Help me with A level history 1and 3 , ent and divninity 1, 2, 3.
    [email protected]

  107. Uace bio 3 2011 pliz help me with a marking guide

  108. I want div and ent past papers

  109. Thanks for your services but please help me with history 1,3, div1, 2 and 4

  110. Thanks for your services but please help me with history 1,3, div1, 2 and 4 UACE 2018, 2019, MOCKS 2020

  111. Thanks for your services but please help me with history 1,3, div1, 2 and 4 UACE 2018, 2019, MOCKS 2020 marking guide

  112. Hello dia friends thanks for that help.am by names of ERIC i need 2020 uce past papers phys1,2,bio1,2and chem.thanks.0789206168

  113. May I have UNEB English language paper2 questions and answers for the year 2019. Thanks a lot

  114. Hey I need uace chemistry 1and2 questions and answers.

  115. Looking for mathematics o level

  116. Am in need of UACE geography from 2000 to 2019

  117. am requesting for UACE math from 2000 to 2019

  118. In need of past papers dear Sir or madam

  119. I would like to have answer for English paper 1 2009 section A

  120. i would like to get a uce uneb agric past papers?

  121. I would like to get English past papers uce

  122. I would like answers to 2018 UCE English paper 2

  123. Hello I need ple past papers and answers for at least 3years back

  124. I need chemistry answers to paper 2, 2018 and 2017

  125. Thanks for providing that service . would u send me Uneb past papers for the last 10 years. Both paper 1 and 2

  126. I have not received ple past questions and and answers

  127. Thanks for good work but my humble request help me with geometrical and mechanical drawing for uace question papers

  128. can i get answers for o level physics from 2021 and below please

  129. Thanks for the service you are rendering to us. Kindly send for me Geography P250/1 from 2014-2022. I shall be very grateful.

  130. Thanks for the service you are rendering for us may you send for me your contact coz i have an issues to discus with you

  131. Hi guys could you please help me with general paper papers and answers and ICT A level

  132. am requesting for solutions to mathematics uace 2008 and 2010 paper one sineor six

  133. Please help me with O’ level history 1 past papers and answers

  134. Please I would like uace geography, biology,and Agriculture past papers for 10years back from 2022

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