
ICT New Lower Secondary Curriculum Syllabus

ICT New Lower Secondary Curriculum Syllabus

ICT is a critical and topical issue in the modern times and a key requirement for engaging in the twenty first century. Since the world is moving technological it supports the teaching and learning process across all subjects by providing a wide range of resources while preparing the learner for the modern
workplace. It also prepares learners for programmes like Computer Science, Cyber Security, Computer Programming and other IT related careers.

The syllabus is designed to help the learner to:
i) acquire basic ICT literacy skills.
ii) use ICT as a tool for learning in other subjects.
iii) acquire the appropriate knowledge and skills for applying ICT skills in other areas like education, business and social life.
iv) use the technology to communicate effectively.
v) access and share information through the use of technology.
vi) follow basic ethics in the use of ICT tools.

Teaching and Learning ICT

The thrust of the new syllabuses is experiential and towards deeper understanding and the development of skills. The focus in ICT is on the development of the ability to use technology to explore the world around her/him and to communicate in the wide range of ways that technology makes available. It is a practical subject where the learner needs to use the technology, but not just be told about it.

The new syllabuses provide the learner with a wide range of contexts in which to develop the understanding of ICT. These contexts are designed to engage the interest of the learner and to provide opportunities to build life-related knowledge, experience and skills. Teachers are encouraged to go beyond the textbooks and provide as many meaningful contexts as possible. The generic skills have been integrated throughout the curriculum and can only be acquired through active approaches.

The role of the teacher is to build on the learner’s existing knowledge and experience, and also to extend that knowledge by posing problems to the learners. This makes them think about their own ideas and experiences as well as adding new knowledge and skills to it.

The learner needs to interact with real situations inside and outside the classroom. She/he needs to look at pictures or diagrams, examine statistics, or read texts from a range of sources; find out knowledge and ideas for herself/himself; should then be able to express these in her/his own words, not those of the teacher, and so demonstrate that she/he has understood what they have learnt.

In this approach, the learner is encouraged to:

  • be responsible for her/his own learning.
  • think for herself/himself and form her/his own ideas and opinions.
  • become a critical thinker, ready to face new challenges and situations for herself/himself.

Download the Syllabus Here


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