University education

DPP: Digital Audio Production and Podcasting

DPP: Digital Audio Production and Podcasting

Digital Audio Production and Podcasting Streaming audio has become easier to access, is readily available on mobile devices, and is…

5 years ago

PJ: Participatory Journalism crowdsourcing tools and practices

PJ: Participatory Journalism crowdsourcing tools and practices Journalism and citizen reports occupy key positions in today’s news media environment, having…

5 years ago

DIG: Digital photography, imaging and graphics

Digital photography, imaging and graphics Listen to the Course description and objective here Go beyond cameras and computers! Use digital…

5 years ago

SME: Social media essentials and digital marketing

SME: Social media essentials and digital marketing With social platforms taking increasingly important roles in today’s digital communications landscape, organizations and individuals…

5 years ago

WD: Website Design, CMS & Server management

WD: Website Design, CMS & Server management This course will help you to understand the basics of website design and…

5 years ago

DSE: Digital Security Essentials

Digital Security Essentials The Digital Security Essentials course will teach you how to guard against the most common digital threats…

5 years ago