- Given digits 8, 4, 2
- Write down all the numerals you can form using the digits.
- Find the difference between the highest and the lowest numeral formed.
- Find the place value and value of the underlined digits.
(a) 4 6657 (b) 16785 (c) 16345
- Expand 8739 using
(a) values (b) place values (c) Powers
- Write 7432 in standard/ scientific form
- Express the following in single form
- 5000 + 70 + 3
- (7 x 10000) + ( 8 x 1000) + ( 3 x 100) + ( 7 x 10 ) + ( 2 x 1)
- (7 x 103 ) + ( 4 x 102) + ( 3 x 101) + 5 x 100)
- 56 x 102
- Write 2592028 in words
- Write: six million, eight hundred thousand, nine hundred sixteen
- (a) Round off 4867 to the nearest tens
(b) Round off 79581 to the nearest hundreds.
(c) Round off 79581 to the nearest thousands.
- Write the place value and value of the underlined digits
(a) 0.784 (b) 3.782 (c) 5.948
- Write 0.328 in words
- Write Twenty seven and six tenths in figures.
- Expand 5.78 using
(a) place values (b) values (c) exponents
- Express 0.432 in standard form
- Arrange 0.44, 0.4, 4.4 in ascending order.
- Arrange 0.35, 0.5, 0.7, 0.33 in descending order.
- Round off 39.96 to the nearest tenth.
- Write 99 in Roman Numerals.
- Write XLV in Hindu Arabic system.
- Work out: XI = IX
- Change 26ten to base six .
- Write 346seven in words.
- Give the place value of each digit in 243five.
- Expand 462 seven using powers.
- Change 341six to base ten
- Change 124five to base six.
- If 17X = 16ten find value of x
- Add 55seven + 33 seven = _____ seven.
- Subtract: 44five – 12 five
- Multiply 10two x 11two
- Change 13 to finite 7.
- Add: 4 + 4 = ______ finite 5
- Multiply: 2 x 4 = ______ finite 5
- Subtract: 2 – 4 = _______ finite 6
- Divide 5 ¸ 3 = ________ finite 7
- Solve: x – 4 = 3 finite 6
- If today is Friday, what day of the week will it be after 22 days?
- If today is Thursday, what day of the week was it 44 days ago?
- It is 2.00 pm what time of the day will it be after 400 hours?
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