Mathematics Primary Six Quiz – Sets


Revision work on set concepts

  1. Write equal, unequal or equivalent against each


(i)            P and Q                  (ii)            R and S                 (iii)          Q and R

(iv)          Q and S                  (v)           P and S


  1. If P = {even numbers less than ten}
    • Find n (P)
    • How many subsets has set P?
  2. Study the venn diagram and use it to answer the questions about it.

  1. (a) List down all the subsets in A if A = {o, u ,i, s}
  • A set has five elements how many subsets has set A?
  • Given that a set has 16 subsets. Find the numbers elements in this set.
  1. (a) Draw and shade these sets.

(i)            Rn P       (ii)           M u N                     (iii)          Z – F

(b)           Describe / name the shaded regions below:

  1. Set P = {2, 3, 5, 7}, Q = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8}
    • Complete the venn diagram

(i) Find n (P n Q) (ii)           n (P u Q)                (iii)          n ( Q – P )

(iv)          n (P ) only              (v)           n(Q)        (vi)          n (P)1


  1. In a market 24 traders sell cloth (C), and 30 traders sell food (F). If 16 traders sell both items, draw a venn diagram and find out how many traders sell only one type of commodity.
  2. In a class of 30 pupils, 18 eat meat, 10 eat beans and 5 do not eat any of the two types of food.
  • Show this information on a venn diagram
  • How many pupils eat meat only?
  • Find those who eat beans only.
  • How many pupils eat only one type of food?
  • Find the number of pupils who eat both types of food.
  • What is the probability of choosing a pupil at random who eats meat?



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