1. Name the regional body that joins the three countries that are found in East Africa.
  2. List down four reasons why East African community was formed.
  3. Which body was replaced by East African community?
  4. List down three founder members of the East African Community.
  5. Outline four organs of the East African Community.
  6. Who was the president of Uganda by the time the E.A.C collapsed?
  7. Give two reasons why East African Community collapsed.
  8. Where are the headquarters of the E.A.C?
  9. Who is the current chairman of the E.A.C?
  10. Name the two countries that join EAC AFTER Tripartite treaty.
  11. Outline four benefits of E.A.C to Uganda as a member state.
  12. When was the E.A.C revived?
  13. List down the names of heads of state who revived E.A.C.
  14. Name the Law making organ of E.A.C.
  15. Who is the current secretary general of East African community?
  16. Outline atleast two symbols of E.A.C.
  17. Mention three challenges of the E.A.C.



  1. Why is East Africa reffered to as the Craddle land of man?
  2. Why is it important to study about sites where early man lived?
  3. Give one way in which archaeoogical sites conrtibute towards the economic development of a country.
  4. What is an ethnic group?
  5. Where was the original homeland of the “NTU” people?
  6. Mention four bantu tribes in each of the following countries
  • Uganda
  • Kenya
  • Tanzania
  1. State the factor which finally led to the collapse of Chwezi empire.
  2. What name was given to the strong worriors of Bunyoro?
  3. What titile was given to the ruers of the following
  • Wanga kingdom
  • Karagwe Kingdom.
  1. Give any three advantages and disadvantages of kingdoms.
  2. How did the long distance trade contribute to the growth and development of Nyamwezi empire?
  3. What is long distance trade?
  4. Give one way how slaves became useful to long distance trade.
  5. Give two advantages and disadvantages of barter trade.
  6. Define the following terminologies
  1. population
  2. population density
  3. population distribution
  4. population growth
  1. Outline 3 factors influencing peoples’ settlement in an area.
  2. What is the meaning of the following terms?
  • Population census
  • population explosion
  • population increase
  • population structure
  • over population
  • under population
  • enumerators
  • optimum population
  1. Outline four factors for population increase.
  2. Give four reasons why the government of Uganda carries out population census.
  3. Mention four factors affecting population distribution
  4. List down four advantages of low population
  5. Through which programme has the government of Uganda tried to control the increasing population?
  6. List down problems faced by areas with high population.
  7. List down harzards checking people in East Africa.
  8. Natural harzards
  9. Man made harzards
  10. Give two examples of information taken during population census.




  1. What are physical features?
  2. Which physical feature covers the biggest part of East Africa?
  3. Define coral reefs?
  4. State any way how each of the following features were formed.
  • inselburgs
  • metamorphic rocks
  1. Name any two examples of physical features that are present in the rift valley.
  2. How do we call the steep sides of the rift valley?
  3. List down any two examples of salty lakes in E. Africa.
  4. List down two examples of snow capped mountans in E. Africa.
  5. State any one reason to explain wy the nmountains named in NO.8 above are snow caped.
  6. Give two characteristics of rift valley lakes.
  7. What is another name for Block Mountains?
  8. Name the natural force tat led to the formation of block mountains.
  9. How is the formation of Mt. Rwensori different from that of Mt. Elgon?
  10. Point out any two factors that enabled the formation of volcanic mountains.
  11. Give anoter word to mean “ a mountain peak”



  1. Define a river
  2. Name the following
  • The longest river in E. Africa
  • The biggest river in E. Africa.
  1. Which rivers in E. Africa makes the boarders between the following countries?
  • Uganda and D.R. Congo
  • Uganda and Tanzania
  • Tanzania and Mozambique
  1. Outline two reasons why water transport is not possible along the rivers of E. Africa.
  2. Give two economic importance of R. Tana to Kenya.
  3. Give one ake in E. Africa which is well known for ts bird speicies of Flamingo.
  4. Which is the
  • Biggest lake in E.A
  • Longest lake in E.A
  • Deepest lake in E.A
  1. List down two parts on L. Victoria that are found in Tanzania.
  2. What is an ox- bow lake?
  3. List down two important mnerals that are got from a lake.
  4. Give another name for depressional lakes.
  5. Point out two main examples of economic activities done by mosy people living near lakes.
  6. State two major problems tat are faced by mostlakes in E. Africa.
  7. Give one reason why there is no fish in lake Katwe.
  8. What is a dam?




  1. Give the meaning of the term resources.
  2. What are renewable resources?
  3. What are non-renewable resources?
  4. Identify any four major resources in E.Africa.
  5. State any two ways in which land is important to people.
  6. Give any two ways in which land is degraded.
  7. State one reason why people Keep animals at home.
  8. List down any two forms of rearing animals in E.Africa.
  9. What is a dairy farm?
  10. Identify any two factors that favor dairy daily farming in the Kenya Highlands.
  11. Mention any two dairy products.
  12. What is ranching?
  13. Give any two products got from a ranch.
  14. Define pastoralism.
  15. What is Nomadic pastoralism?
  16. Why do nomads usually occupy the drier areas of E.Africa?
  17. Name three pastoral tribes in E.Africa
  18. Give two reasons why nomadic tribes keep large herds of cattle.
  19. Suggest two problems facing pastoral tribes in E.Africa.
  20. In which way can pastoral tribes be helped to live a settled life?
  21. What is a game park?
  22. How is poaching dangerous to wildlife.
  23. a) What type of vegetation is suitable for wild animals in E.Africa?

b). Give two reasons to support your answers given (a) above.

  1. State two problems facing wild animals in game parks.
  2. What is mining?
  3. Name any four minerals found in E.Africa.
  4. What is open cast mining?
  5. Give two ways in which the mining industry is of great importance to our economy.
  6. In which one way is the mining industry be a disadvantage to the people around?
  7. What are primary industries?
  8. State four factors for setting up an industry?
  9. Write down any two advantages of industrialization.
  10. In what two ways is industrialization a disadvantage to our environment?



  1. What is vegetation?
  2. State any two components of vegetation.
  3. Give two factors that affect vegetation in East Afrcia.
  4. Name the vegetation that covers the largest part of East Africa.
  5. What is a swamp?
  6. How does vegetation affect animal life in an area?
  7. Mention the vegetation that grows well at the coastal areas of East Africa.
  8. What are decidious trees?
  9. How is vegetation important to herbalists?
  10. Why are Bwindi forests said to be impenetrable?
  11. State any two commercial importance of forests?
  12. Name the body which was set up in Uganda to protect forests.
  13. Why are tropical rainforests ever green?
  14. Give any two tree species which normally shed off their leaves during the dry season.
  15. Which type of forests provides us with hardwood timber?
  16. Why are mostgame parks located in the savanna grasslands?
  17. Give any two characteristics of trees in the Equatorial rainforests.
  18. Why are Mangrove forests reffered to as swamps?
  19. Identify any one danger of high rate of deforestation.
  20. Give two reasons why people cut down trees.
  21. What is agro- forestry?
  22. How are Agro- based industries important to the local population?
  23. Why are Agro based industries called so?
  24. Of what great value are forests to carpenters?
  25. Apart from Mabira forest, name one other natural forest in Uganda.
  26. Name two sub divisions of Savanna vegetation.
  27. Why is Miombo woodland sparsely populated?
  28. Give one are in Uagnda where Savanna grasslands are common.
  29. What determines the height of grass in the Savanna grasslands?
  30. Give one reson why mountain gorillas are common in Bwindi and Mgahinga National parks?
  31. How does altitude affect vegetation?
  32. State the main economic activity carried out in the tropical regions.
  33. Give one reason why the government of Uganda is against deforestation.
  34. What activity is carried out in the dry areas of East Africa?
  35. State one value of National Game parks in East Africa.
  36. What are game parks?
  37. How do game parks differ from game reserves?
  38. Mention the largest game park in East Africa?
  39. Why are crocodiles not found in Kidepo Valley National park?
  40. Name any two large land animals which tourists come to see in E. Africa.
  41. What general name is given to animals which feed on vegetation?
  42. Explain why animal grazing patterns can change from time to time.
  43. Identify any three tourist attractions in E.A.
  44. Tourism is a business of providing services like, transport, accomodation and entertainment to people who visit place for pleasure. State three factors hindering the development of tourism industry in Uganda.
  45. How is tourism industry important to East African governments?
  46. Suggest one reason that has made rain forests on the shores of L.Victoria reduce.
  47. Give two human actvities that can conserve the envronment.
  48. What general name s gven to the plant cover over land?
  49. Name the main activity carried out in the thick forests of East Africa.
  50. Suggest two measures that the government can employ to dscourage industrial development in swamps.
  51. Why are children encoraged to plant trees at school?
  52. Why do trees grow tall in the tropical forests?
  53. Why is tourism reffered to as an industry?
  54. Why is tourism regarded as an invisble export?
  55. How do Agro based industries benefit from the local population?
  56. Which plantation forest is located in west Nile forest?
  57. Name the two types of forests.
  58. What are natural forests?
  59. Give one way in which forests are important to farmers.
  60. Identify one problem faced by people who settle in tick forests?
  61. What is re- afforestation?
  62. Explain how tse-tseflies hinder cattle rearing?
  63. Suggest any two ways in which vegetation affects climate of an area.
  64. Suggest one way in which forests support tourism.
  65. Mention any two trees found in plantation forests.
  66. Identify the main economic activity carried out in Miombo woodland.
  67. Suggest one way in which man can use forests without causing defforestation.
  68. Why is there scanty vegetation in the desert?
  69. Why are there fewer trees in tropical regions than in Equototial regions?
  70. Which economic activty is mainly carried out by people who live in the deserts of Africa?
  71. What is environemntal degradation?
  72. Which type of vegetation is found in Kalangala?
  73. Why are there many Equotorial forests along the Equator?



  1. Identify three features that make man to be unique compared to other creatures.
  2. Define a talent.
  3. State two ways in which talent can help to promote your faith as a Christian.
  4. Why is it necessary for a Christian to know his/ her weaknesses?
  5. State one way Christians can try to solve the above weaknesses.
  6. Give one way each of the following talents can help a Christian to serve God.
  7. Singing
  8. Drama
  9. Dancing
  10. Apart from singing hymns, how else can a Christian spread Good news to others?
  11. Identify any two special (unique) things God gave to you.


  1. What are senses?
  2. Mention five powers that your body uses to get information around you.
  3. State the sense that helps a Christian to
  4. Listen to God’s words
  5. See God’s creation.
  6. Identify any two ways in which a Cristian may misuse the following senses.
  7. Touching
  8. Smelling
  9. Suggest one way a Christian can use the senses God gave him / her to serve God.
  10. Why should a Christian keep his / her body clean?
  11. State three things which can stop a Christian’s body from being God’s temple?





  1. Mention any two roles of girls in a home.
  2. Point out three responsibilities of boys in a home.
  3. Apart from boys abd girls, mention two other members of a family.
  4. State three similar responsibilities of boys and girls in a home.
  5. Who is a child in a home?
  6. Identify any three things a child can do to please God.
  7. State two bad acts that a child can do and annoys God.
  8. What is in the Bible that is similar to school rules and regulations?
  9. State two roles of
  10. Father
  11. Mother in a home.
  12. Mention two ways in which parents can promote discipline among their children.
  13. Suggest three similar responsibilities of a father and mother in a home. (parents)
  14. State four qualities of a good child.
  15. Mention three things that can spoil the relationship between a child and his / her parents.
  16. Identify five values that are expected of a good parent.
  17. Give any two reasons why parents should be exemporary to their children.
  18. Suggest two things parents can do in order to make their children know God.
  19. Who is a comparison?
  20. State three qualities of a good companion.
  21. Why is it important for a child to have friends at school?
  22. Last two things that can make one and his / her companion separate.
  23. What destroyed the relationship between
  24. Adam, Eve and God
  25. Judas Iscariot and Jesus Christ
  26. In what way did Jesus Christ show his friendship to man?



  1. What is a gift?
  2. Mention three physical gifts that God to you.
  3. What spiritual gift enables man to glorify God?
  4. How do spiritual gifts differ from physical gifts?
  5. Define work?
  6. State one reason why man does work.
  7. What shows that God also did some work?
  8. Identify three examples of work man does in daily life to earn a living.
  9. Why is it important for man to work?
  10. Mention three kinds of work that Jesus as a child involved himself and his parents.
  11. State any one reason why God gave us different gifts.
  12. What was the work of Joseph (Jesus’ earthly father)
  13. How many days did God spend in his work of creation?
  14. On which day did God rest from work?


  1. What caused the suffering of man?
  2. How did sin come into the word?
  3. Name the creature blamed for the suffering of man.
  4. Who was the first person to commit sin?
  5. What did Adam and Eve do that led to suffering?’
  6. State three ways of suffering of man.
  7. How did Adam and Eve disobey God?
  8. Identify three goups of people who can help us out of suffering?
  9. Why is suffering of man attached to Adam and Eve?
  10. What is the end result of sin?
  11. Apart from disobedience, name three other sins that can cause suffering of man.
  12. What immediate punishment did God give to Adam and Eve aftersinning?
  13. Name the purnsihments God gave to the following for eating the forbidden fruit.
  14. Snake (serpent)
  15. Adam
  16. Eve




  1. State any two lessons we learn from the story of a good samaritan.
  2. Mention three ways in which Jesus also behaved as a good samaritan.
  3. Mention four examples of vooluntary activties children pupils to do voluntary work.
  4. Suggest two ways schools can encourage pupils to do voluntary work.
  5. How did Jesus show love to people who lived near him. (Give 3)
  6. What was the greatest service Jesus offered to man kind?
  7. Mention two examples of voluntary services people offer to church.
  8. State three examples of voluntary services the church gives to people.
  9. State the various ways through which the church gets money.
  10. Mention four ways in which the church has promoted economic development in Uganda.
  11. Apart from the church, give any other two organisations that offer voluntary services to people.



  1. Who is a redeemer?
  2. Of what importance was the birth of Jesus Christ to Christians?
  3. Name the prophet in the Old Testament who proclaimed the coming of the messiah.
  4. What did Prophet John the Baptist preach about in the New Testament?
  5. What message did Angel Gabriel bring to Mary?
  6. Why is death important to Christians?
  7. Identify one thing (event) which took place on Holy Thursday.
  8. How did Judas Iscariot meet his death?
  9. Why did the parents of Jesus Christ go to Bethlem?
  10. Why did Joseph and Mary take Baby Jesus to Egypt?



  1. Who is a prophet?
  2. Name the prophet who received the holy Quran.
  3. Why is prophet Musa known as the prophet of deliverance?
  4. State three duties of a prophet.
  5. Mention any four quaities of a prophet.
  6. Why did prophet Ibrahim build the Kaaba?
  7. Name the prophet in the quran who is known for his wisdom.
  8. Match correctly the items in List A to those in B.

LIST A                                   LIST B

Muhammed                         Took part in creation

Adam                                    Patience and Endurance

Ayub                                     Accomplished the prophetic mission.

Isa                                         Received Zabur

Musa                                     Led Allah’s people out of slavery

Dauda                                    Last prophet in Islam.


  1. What are impurities?
  2. State three qualities for a place where prayers can be held.
  3. Identify four conditions that can spoil salat (Prayer)
  4. Write the five daily prayers muslim perform everyday in their order.
  5. State two conditions one must fulfill before perfoming salat.
  6. State two conditions one must fulfill before perfoming salat.
  7. State the reason for separating women from men during prayers.
  8. Of what mportance is prayer to a muslim?
  9. Which prayer do moslems conduct at sunset?
  10. Where do moslems face during prayers?
  11. Identify three body parts muslims wash during ablution?


  1. Who is a convert?
  2. State four probems faced by early moslem converts while at Mecca.
  3. Who was the first wman to accept the teaching of Muhammed?
  4. How did Khadija help Muhammed in his work of spreading Islam?
  5. Give one reason why Meccans hated prophet Muhammed and his teaching?
  6. What was Muhammed doing before he started preaching Islam?
  7. Mention three reasons why the Meccans rejected Islam.
  8. What lessons do we learn from the sufferng of prophet Muhammed and his converts?



  1. What message was brought by angel Gabriel to Mary?
  2. Why was the birth of Jesus Christ important to Christians?
  3. Why did Joseph and Mary take Baby Jesus to Egypt?
  4. Why did the parents of Jesus Christ go to Bethlehem?
  5. Mention one thing which took place on Holy Thursday.
  6. Why did Judas Iscariot betray Jesus Christ?
  7. What happened to Jesus in the garden of Gesthemen?
  8. Why was the death of Jesus Christ good for Christians?
  9. Why is death important in Christianity?
  10. How did Judas Iscariot meet his death

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