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About Authors

Master Gerald Businge is a sought after enlightened learning facilitator and visionary guiding those focused on achieving their greatness on this planet. He is a multi-award winning multimedia journalist, communications specialist, seasoned trainer, entrepreneur, technology developer; and teacher of the Truth, life re-engineering, creativity and transformation. He studied Mass Communication, Journalism & Communication at Makerere University and Multimedia Journalism at the University of California Berkeley and is part of the Digital Development Network led by Sheffield University, UK. He facilitates the learning of multimedia journalism and digital communication at Makerere University Department of Journalism & Communication and many universities in new media and digital pedagogy training. He is the founder and Team Leader of Ultimate Multimedia Consult, Yaaka Digital Network, Yaaka Publishers and Buyaga Parents School. Businge is a certified trainer of UMC, Internews Europe, DW Akademie, Hague Academy and World Bank. He is a dedicated husband, father, Rotarian and counsellor. He is also the author of several publications, including Effective Digital Pedagogy, The Manifestation Mindset, Achieving Success with Digital Learning, Becoming Ultimate Masters, A Century worth of top knowledge, God Powered affirmations and prayers, Media Monitoring tools and best practices, among others. He can be reached by email at gbusinge@gmail.com  or WhatsApp: +256771324119 X:gbusinge

Gerald Businge training journalists in Uganda in Multimedia Storytelling

Herman Nnyanzi is a digital communication specialist with over five years of experience in digital content creation, research, documentation, data visualization, media monitoring, content packaging, videography, photography, audio production, training social media metrics and analysis. He has facilitated numerous digital and multimedia training sessions for university students such as Makerere University, Islamic University in Uganda, and Kampala International University among others. He has also trained University lecturers as well as journalists. He has also done Media Monitoring for International agencies including UNICEF, Enabel among other agencies. Email: hermannnyanzi57@gmail.com Contact: +256704472629, +256786403603 X: @HermanNnyanzi

Herman Nnyanzi facilitates a training in photo editing

Edward Tumwine is a skilled digital communication professional with over seven years of experience in Media Relations, training, social media communications, graphics design, web content development, media monitoring, social media metrics and analysis. He has offered consultation services in digital communication to several organizations and journalists across the country. He is also a content curator on digital communication tools and a digital media trainer in new media tools. He is also a lecturer in Multimedia Production at Uganda Christian University School of Journalism and Communication. He is also a Media Viability Expert who has trained Media Viability Consultants and consulted for media houses on how they can leverage technology to remain sustaining and profitable.  https://edwardtumwine.com/   tumwineedward@gmail.com +256785961809/+256701895470

Edward Tumwine facilitates a training in creating accessible and inclusive social media content.

Tumuheire Agnes is an avid communication specialist, digital content developer and multimedia learning facilitator.  Agnes has since 2018 been working in the fields of digital technologies, communication, monitoring and evaluation, branding and marketing, and public relations. She has diligently worked with international, private, non-profit, governmental, and non-governmental organizations entities such as USAID, UNICEF, Plan International, BRAC Uganda, Oxfam, Enabel, World Vision, DW Akademie, Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE-U), and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and UWESO. 

Agnes Tumuheire facilitates training in Data Visualization


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