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This Unit is about Communism , Foreign Aid and Taxation


Communism is a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.

Carl Marx was a philosopher, journalist, social critique and writer of Jewish origin who lived in German for a long time when he analyzed a big imbalance in the distribution and use of the economic resources.

Due to his great vocal attack on the unfair political elites over the weak citizens, he was deported to France.

Carl Marx noted the following happening in society between masters and servants;

  • He noted that peasants or workers toiled all day long but were paid peanuts by their masters.
  • The masters put workers to several long hours without being given adequate incentives or over time bonuses.
  • The employees were compelled to work under appalling working conditions like dirty environment and no gloves.
  • There was no job security and workers were kept on job as long as they made no demands from their masters.
  • Carl Marx also observed that there was wide spread use of child labour and nothing was done by the government to stop it.
  • He also noted that the religious leaders and the church also participated in the exploitation of workers like paying them peanut wages.
  • He stated that the workers he called “proletariat” owned nothing yet they did all the donkey work with minimal payments.
  • For the employers he referred to as “bourgeoisie” owned all the means of production but swallowed/ enjoyed all the profits.
  • He advocated for the dispensation of public resources in an alternative economic system like socialism that later/ changed to communism.


Indeed Carl Marx was a strong Christian but he got disappointed and frustrated by the behaviours of the clergymen in regard to exploitation of the workers.  So he became publicly atheistic and this was because;

  • He noticed that property owners and society’s exploiters were clergymen and friends of clergymen.
  • The church condemned and ex-communicated all those individuals who attempted to organize the workers to rebel.
  • Marx renounced all his belief in God because the church condemned and banned the production circulation and use of writings of Carl Marx calling them heretic (false).
  • Carl Marx also depended on the fact that the church leaders used to “brain wash” the minds of their followers making them to be calm. They assured them that their suffering will enable them be rewarded in heaven.
  • Marx renounced religion because the clergy always sided with employers at a time of conflict between employers at a time of conflict between employers and employees.
  • The church condoned capitalism by refusing to denounce the poor evils. The rich continued exploiting the poor with no church condemnation.
  • Carl Marx decided to renounce religion because he noted that although the church had plenty of resources like land or food; it did nothing to alleviate the poverty and social crisis of the poor.
  • It renounced religion and belief in God because he wanted the proletariat to rise up in a revolution and conquer their masters.


The philosophy of Marxism was said to be anti-religious because of the following reasons;

  • Carl Marx advocated for the confiscation of property of capitalists including that of the clergy so that such resources are managed by the workers themselves.
  • Marxism was called anti-religious philosophy because Marx taught that the idea of God and religion were a creation of the capitalists to dominate over the proletariat. He said there should be no belief in God nor any form of religious expression.
  • Marxism is said to be anti-religion because Marx order for priests and other clergy men to be persecuted together with other capitalists because they were perceived to be exploiters of the masse/ poor.
  • The philosophy of Marxism was called anti religious because it caused destruction of religious sacred buildings like cathedrals and monasteries which were then confiscated and converted into museums, social halls assembly halls, discotheques and public schools which the church saw as profanement of the house of God.
  • The view of Carl Marx is said to be anti-religion because it emphasized that salvation for man could not come from any savior above as Christians believed but he stressed would come from people’s protracted struggle.
  • Marxism philosophy is said to be anti-religion because it advocated and resulted into banning of sacred writings like the bible, prayer books, hymn books, biographers of saints and alike. They could no longer be published and circulated because they were tools of capitalists.
  • The philosophy of Marxism was said to be anti-religion because it prevented public display of religious symbols such as paintings of saints, Jesus, hail Mary, use of the cross or rosary.
  • As ban was imposed on pastoral visits by heads of religious establishments like the pope, arch bishop of Canterbury, metropolitan archbishop and many others. These were called agents of capitalist oppressors.  Such a behavior indicated the philosophy being anti-religion.
  • Marxism is said to be anti-religion because it opposed the use of scriptures to support/justify the exploitation of the poor. The Marxists assured people that good life ends here on earth meaning there is no life after death as religion stressed.
  • Carl Marx predicted that a time would come when if the workers were in charge of resources all their material problems would be overcome. Hence means religion would be irrelevant.
  • Marx advocated for defeat of capitalism to which religion was an ally then people would be saved not following religion.
  • Marx said religion was the opium of the masses because it provides superficial consolation to those facing misery and deprivation. He opposed religion because it intended to make people decide of contented with poverty.  So he suggested to be resisted hence making the philosophy anti- religious.


This refers to the situation of compelling individuals/groups of people, businesses to pay a compulsory sum of money to the government for public purposes.


To a larger extent, a Christian should pay taxes because of the following reasons;

  • Jesus Christ himself used to pay taxes according to Mathew 17:24 said that his master used to pay religious temple tax. This implies that a Christian should also pay taxes.
  • Christians are encouraged to pay taxes because throughout his ministries Jesus did not condemn the practice but encouraged it. In Mathew 22:15ff he said give Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar and God what belongs to God.
  • Christians have a duty to pay taxes because even Jesus also recognized its importance and this is why he called Levi (Mathew) to be among his followers (Mathew 10:3)
  • Christians ought to pay taxes because even Jesus took it easy and chose to eat and dine at the home of the chief tax collector Zacchaeus as indicated in Luke 19.
  • Christians should pay taxes because if they do not they will have offended civil leaders and bring their wrath upon them as noted in Mathew 17:27.
  • Christians are called upon to pay taxes because its part of their duties expected from them as citizens. According to Romans 13;6, Christians should do what the rest of the people do in the society.
  • Christians have a duty to pay taxes as a sign of obedience to civil leaders. In Romans 13:1-2, Paul warned that whoever does not respect civil leaders similarly disobeyed God who appointed them.
  • Christians have a duty to pay taxes because even their ancestors the Israelites paid taxes. They used to do so by looking after their kings’ court yards for a month in Tondem.
  • Christians today should pay taxes in order to enable them get money to perform God’s tasks as Paul taught in Romans 13:6.
  • It is a Christian’s obligation to pay taxes because by doing so it encourages them to wok even harder thus obtaining God’s blessings.

However, to a smaller extent Christians may not pay taxes basing on certain circumstances which include the       following;

  • A Christian decline or refuse to pay taxes if such a tax levied is intended to inconvenience and burden the tax payer. For instance kings of Israel like David, Solomon and Rehoboam mistreated people through over taxation (1 Kings 12:4)
  • In case the taxes paid by the citizens are just swindled by some officials a Christian may not pay the taxes. Even in the bible tax collectors were regarded outcasts because they used to cheat people as noted in Levi 5:27.
  • A Christian finds difficulties to pay tax if it is not fair . That is to say, not in relation with his/her earnings. For instance cabinet ministers in Uganda earn a lot of money but almost pay same tax as a nurse or a doctor in the government hospital.
  • People may refuse to pay tax as a sign of civil disobedience against bad leadership. For instance in the fight against apartheid policy in south Africa many black church leaders called for non payment of tax to the British government.
  • A Christian may not pay a tax when he is living in a country which is politically unstable. For instance in southern Sudan and Somalia where wars have been going on of recently, people cannot pay taxes because they cannot raise money through living in camps.
  • A Christian may refuse paying taxes because he/she is too poor to pay the tax levied on him/her due to economic weakness like unemployment.
  • When the system of tax administration is not considerate, a Christian may not pay taxes. For instance in areas of up country some tax collectors grab people’s property like lands and sell them which is inconsiderate and may make others refuse to pay taxes.


Foreign aid can be defined as assistance acquired from abroad or from or from an external source.

Foreign aid has different forms as noted below;

  • Financial assistance . That is to say, had foreign given to help solve a given problem . For example building a hospital.
  • Capital machinery in form of computers, tractors, sewing machines, water pumps.
  • Technical support. This involves technical experts such as doctors, engineers, computer experts who are sent to help in capacity building.
  • Technological transfer . That is to say, a company like coca cola, Pepsi cola, sprite may start up branches in another company as foreign investors.
  • Foreign aid may be in form of household items . For example clothes, blankets, tents, shoes, food and many others These are usually offered by organizations like Red Cross and United Nations high commission for refugees (UNHCFR).
  • Military assistance can be extended to another country where there is a war . For example Uganda has for the past 5 years offering military help in Somalia.
  • Material aids which are physical but non capital assets are offered to another country in form of aid. For example Libya under late Muammar Gaddafi built old Kampala built old Kampala mosque.


  • To help the suffering like those in war zones.
  • To market their products. For instance the British or Americans give aid to Ugandans in form of condoms.
  • For economic stability. For instance US gives aid in form of money to African countries which are economically unstable.
  • It is aimed t making profits which later are repatriated home for example Coca cola, Shoprite.
  • For creating jobs especially for their citizens in another country. For example the Chinese or Indians create jobs for their citizens when they get tenders like road constructions in other countries.
  • Aid is given to promote religions. For example the late Muammar Gadhafi a former president of Libya offered financial assistance to Muslims in Uganda to renovate / build the mosque for Moslems at old Kampala.
  • Some aid is given in order to impose cultural values abroad . For example Americans give donations to African countries like Uganda to promote homosexuality in Africa.
  • Some countries give aid in order to maintain control over weaker ones . For example Britain or American donating to Uganda or Kenya.
  • Aid is given to help certain countries attain self reliance so that in future they stop begging. For instance Japan gives aid to Africans for development purposes.
  • Aid is at times aimed at helping to ensure democratic standards are achieved. This is why during preparation of elections in Africa, US and Britain injects in money to monitor elections.
  • Sometimes aid is given to improve the quality of life of the people in the area . For example when slides and floods attacked Bududa and Kasese, the government and other personalities sent in aid in form of food, clothing and offered free land and settlement of displaced people.


Reliance on foreign aid especially on financial assistance has the following dangers;

  • The strings attached to the aid may bring undesirable conditions like between 1986 – 93 Uganda was told in order to get aid, it had to first liberate its economy.
  • Donors sometimes dictate how and when the aid should be used . That is to say, building a school or hospital.
  • Donors sometimes dictate to the recipient country that she has to buy raw materials like spare parts from them.
  • Foreign aid leads to the problem of debt servicing which is often too burden some to the recipient country and takes years to be cleared.
  • Sometimes aid is in form of technical support and the experts brought into the country like the engineers, computer technicians are financially difficult to maintain.
  • Foreign aid makes recipient countries dependant on external assistance which undermines self -reliance. For instance Israel the largest recipient of US aid cannot survive without it.
  • Assistance in form of military sometimes encourages political instability . For example in Somalia there is constant war because both the government are rebels get foreign aid.
  • Aid is a burden to the future generation as much tax is demanded from the people to clear the loans . For example paying for the construction of Namboole stadium and for the Entebbe express highway.
  • Inappropriate technology or machinery may be imported to the country as a way of disposing off old machinery from another country . For example computers, cars and many others
  • Sometimes aid has resulted into neo-colonialism. For instance Uganda s forced to support the donor country even in matters which do not benefit us.


To a larger extent, foreign aid has impacted positively o the Ugandan society in the following ways;

  • Foreign aid has helped in the promotion of health in the country. For example the 2003 measles immunization campaign in Uganda.
  • Foreign aid has promoted infrastructural development. For example the medical school of Mulago was rehabilitated through the finances of Rockefeller, Mo master and Rodney foundations from US and Entebbe express highway built by the Chinese company.
  • Donors have promoted education in the country by building and expanding schools in line with UPE and USE. For instance Tororo College assisted by USAID.
  • Capital development projects have been undertaken through funding of World Bank and IMF for example, Bujagali hydro-electricity power.
  • Donors like USA have helped to fight diseases in Uganda like HIV/AIDs by supplying anti-retro viral drugs cheaply and this has reduced the AIDs rate in the country.
  • Many Ugandans have been able to acquire higher education because of external aid. For instance the British Council, World Vision Uganda, Watoto Church offer educational scholarships to Ugandans.
  • Foreign aid has helped to take the victims of war on the displaced Ugandans to special camps for care. For instance, Red Cross offers donations like blankets, clothes, food to people of the North.
  • Donors like USA have helped to pressure the government to promote free and fair elections.
  • Donors have promoted capacity building n the country by organizing workshops for leaders at various levels and giving them material aid.
  • Donor countries like USA have helped to fight against abuse of human rights. They do this through monitoring elections in the country.
  • Because of the strings attached to some donations, transparency or accountability has been enhanced to the government fights had to monitor the proper use of finances donated to her in different departments like building schools.
  • Foreign aid has brought new meaning towards the understanding of religion in Uganda. For instance Christian radio and TV stations like light house television, top TV, kingdom FM, impact FM sometimes receive aid from outside to help spread the word of God.
  • Many disadvantaged Ugandans especially women and orphans have benefited from foreign aid. For instance the Uganda women’s finance trust which offers soft loan to women is founded by donors.

However, to a smaller extent foreign aid has got some negative impact to the Ugandan society as noted below;

  • Some foreign countries have promoted, defended and protected bad regimes in Uganda. For example Amin was assisted by Britain, Israel.
  • Foreign aid has strings attached in most cases which are hard to fulfill. For example buying raw materials from the donating country or letting techniques come from the donating country.
  • Very often foreign aid is misused and diverted to other public projects by the government hence doing its due purpose.
  • Donor countries sometimes deny freedom of worship or movement of Ugandans to their countries . For example in August 2003, the British high commission denied the speaker of parliament a travel visa yet he was holding a diplomatic pass port and going on government business.
  • Sometimes the aid in form of technology may not be relevant to the Ugandan needs. For instance the meat processing factory that was set at Soroti did not work for long because cows were not enough to facilitate the factory.
  • Sometimes aid has increased poverty among the people. They are encouraged to grow certain products or cops like coffee or cocoa demanded by donor countries but end up giving them very low prices.
  • Aid in form of military assistance has made Ugandans continue to be militarily dependents to developed countries like US instead of developing their own technology.
  • Uganda has been practically in a state of war because of continued support by foreigners.
  • Such aid has developed in a political back clash for the leaders. For instance president Museveni was rebuked by some members of parliament for openly supporting Bush in the Iraq war when indeed Uganda had no strategic interests in the area.
  • Foreign aid has undermined the country’s effort towards economic self -reliance and this makes it fully dependant on aid.
  • This is why even up to today; the engineers of oil extraction from Lake Albert are foreigners.
  • Uganda is struggling with a big debt burden because of acquiring a lot of foreign aid.
  • Many Ugandans have lost their jobs because of foreign aid. The government is conditioned to lay off some workers in order to be given some aid.


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