CONNECTIVE CLAUSES - Yaaka Digital Network


TOPIC: Connective Clauses
LESSONS: 1 and 2
Learning Outcome
By the end of the lesson, you should be able to use connective clauses.
You will need an exercise book, a pen, a dictionary if possible and this handout.
A connective clause is a word that links sentences or clauses. Connectives can be
conjunctions like but, when, because or adverbs like however, then, therefore. Commas are
often used to separate connecting clauses from the subordinate sentences or clauses.
In the following sentences, the connecting clauses have been bolded:
• Corruption is a disease in our society, however, many people have got used to it.
• Although I had already passed the interview, the lady insisted on asking me to give
her some money.
• Much as corruption happens in many different forms, many of us still believe that it
is only bribery that shows corruption.
• Many of the young people, if not well guided, will always fall prey to corruption.
• I failed to come to school yesterday because I was scared of that teacher’s looks.
Note that connectives can either be put at the beginning or in between the sentence.
Activity 1: Join the following sentences using the connectives in brackets. Remember to
avoid repetitions.
For example: The children were not late for class. The teacher wanted to give them a
punishment. (although) The children were not late for class although the teacher wanted
to give them a punishment.
1. The girls made loud alarms. Nobody came to rescue the girls. (although)
2. You have come in time. You can help me with this work. (since)
3. Nabwami is a very young girl. Nabwami has mature reasoning styles. (though)
4. Mukasa did not use his pocket money. Mukasa wanted to save in the bank.
5. Sseddunga came very quickly. He heard his father calling. (when)


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