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• Career

• Interests

• Skills

• Talents

After studying and practicing the activities in this chapter, you will be able to:

  1. Examine personal qualities: skills, strengths and weaknesses with regard to performance in physical activities and future careers
  2. Assess opportunities and risks to make informed decisions about your own career
  3. Establish factors that affect mental, social and emotional performance


When a baby is growing, there are factors that determine how soon it will sit, crawl, stand, or even walk. These may be diet, parenting, and availability of support the lack or insufficiency of these can affect its progress. Likewise, in your daily life, there are activities you do. Walking, running and washing are just examples of such. You may do them well or poorly depending on the circumstances at hand. You may for example wash very well because of training, availability of detergents, have time, or even because you have the interest. You may however fail to wash because of lack of water, detergents, being hungry, or lacking the interest.

Our careers are also influenced by many factors, some of which we can influence and others we cannot. Do you have aspirations and career prospects? Do you know that most times, our career prospects do not tally with our abilities and talents? Having talent in some physical activity is not a guarantee for excellent performance, and this is due to the influence of other factors. Discovering it can however help you develop the skills for improving your performance. In this chapter, you will therefore understand the factors that relate to performance in physical activities.

1.1 Personal Qualities in Regard to Performance of Physical Activities

As individuals, there are things we are good at and those we are not. We find it easier to do the former than the latter. Have you ever desired to do something? Like participate in some sport without any influence? That is what interest means. Every sport has requisites or expertise for taking part in it. It may be kicking, dribbling or trapping. Without these, you cannot play the sport. Those are called skills. Some will find it easy acquiring these skills while others will struggle and may eventually fail. Persons that easily acquire those skills have an innate / inborn ability. We say they have talent.

Activity 1.1 Understanding skills, talents and interests


• Notebooks. Pens plain paper

1. Individually, let each one of you write down the following:

a) Things you love doing.

b) Things you find easy doing.

c) Things you have improved on with time.

 2. Discuss with your neighbor and ask him or her to honestly assess your responses.

3. With your friend, agree on the meaning of skills, talents and interests, basing on your responses in (1) above.

4. State examples of your skills, talents, and interests using the table below:

Skills Talents Interests

Activity 1.2 Strengths and weaknesses in Physical Education and Sports performance

  • Notebooks
  • Pens
  • List down the strengths and weaknesses you have regarding participation and performance in Physical Education and sports.
  • Share your list with your neighbor and ask for his or her opinion on the strengths and weaknesses pointed out.
  • In pairs, discuss how you can improve your performance building on your strengths.
  • Summaries your findings in the table below:
Skill Excellent Good Fair Weak Poor

ICT and Physical Education

Record an interview with a top performing athlete in school. In the interview, dig into how the athlete overcame the weaknesses and built on his or her strengths to finally develop his or her talent. This can be used to inspire others who wish to develop their talents.

1.2 Opportunities and Risks in Making Informed Career Decisions

You all aspire to do some job in future. We define that as a career. Most times, your interests, talents and skills will probably influence your career choices. A person who grows up loving soccer may later train as a soccer coach or manager. It is also possible though, that the person who wanted to take up one career ends up taking an entirely different one. This could be due to peer influence, parental choices, lack of requisite resources and or skills, or even lack of mentorship. There are therefore many risks or barriers we meet along our career paths.

Activity 1.3 Career choices

  • Markers.
  • Flip charts
  • Manila papers

In groups:

  1. Share about your possible career choices.
  2. Discuss what influences your career choice.
  3. Discuss the influence of talents, interests and skills on career choices.
  4. Elect a group leader to present the findings of your group to the class.

 Figure 1.2 Career choices

1.3 Mental , Social and Emotional Factors that Affect Performance in Physical Activities

 Many times at school or home, a number of physical activities happen. You however do not engage in all of them. Your performance in those activities also varies. You perform well in some and poorly in others. Did you know that your state of mind affects your performance? There are many factors – mental, social, and emotional, that affect performance in physical activities.

 Activity 1.4 Discussing effects of active involvement in physical activities on performance flip chart in groups:

  • Manila papers
  • Marker
  • Notebook.
  • Pen
  • Name the physical activities you usually engage in.
  • Discuss the emotional, social and mental factors that influence your engagement in these activities.
  • Make a presentation of your findings to the class


  • Recorder
  • Notebook
  • Pens
  • Questionnaire

 In groups:

1. Carry out research in your school about the influence of the mental, social and emotional state on the performance of Senior Three and Senior Four students during participation in physical activities.

2. Write your report and share it with the school on the school noticeboard.

Revision Questions

  1. Mention and elucidate the factors that affect one’s performance of physical activities.
  2. Skills, talents and interests are all important points to consider when choosing a career.
  3. Define the terms; skills, talents and interests.
  4. Discuss how each in (a) above affects one’s career progression.
    Give appropriate examples from your school, community and country.  

Chapter Summary

In this chapter, you have learnt that:

  • We all have different skills, talents, and interests.
  • Talents are natural while interests are influenced by the environment and personality.
  • Interests also change with time.
  • Skills are only developed and improved with training and practice.
  • Interests, skills, and talents all influence our career choices.
  • Active involvement and performance in physical activities is affected by our emotional, social and mental wellbeing.

You now understand the factors that relate to performance in physical activities. You can use this knowledge to:

  • Improve your performance in physical activities.
  • Make a choice to embrace physical activities to improve your mental, social and emotional performance
  • Build on your talents, interests and skills to make informed career choices
  • Be a change agent and guide your friends on making informed career choices






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