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Key Words By the end of this chapter, you should be able to learn: • biology • life processes • zoology • botany • physiology • that Biology is the science of living things. • that Biology is applied in everyday life. • the importance of life processes and how they are manifested differently in different organisms.


An introduction to biology will enable you to appreciate that biology is the study of life, and application of the characteristics of living things will enable you identify living things from the non-living things.
The practical nature to biology will help you acquire skills such as inquiry, observation, making conclusions and informed decisions about life/living things. Therefore understanding Biology will enable
you to develop concern for yourself, the environment and promote its conservation.

Meaning of Biology

Do you remember the knowledge of science you studied in the Primary school? Some of the knowledge relates to living things while the other relates to non-living things.

Activity 1.1: Sorting pictures of things into living and non-living
Key question
Is it possible to sort materials into living and non-living?
What you need
 pictures of different items
What to do
Look at the items in the picture below.
i) Draw lines to connect all the living things to the middle circle.
ii) Suggest any reasons why you chose those items.

Biology is a branch of science that deals with the study of living organisms.

What to Do

  1. In small groups, look at the pictures provided, discuss and write down what work you can do after studying biology to improve your life and for those in the community.
  2. Present what you have discussed.
  3. Group the pictures under the following branches of biology i.e. zoology, botany and physiology based on the definitions provided.

Life Processes

In order to decide whether what we are observing is living or non living, a set of characteristics called life processes are used. In the next section, you will find out the life processes. Life processes are common to all living things. They feed (Nutrition), take in and use air (Respiration), produce and remove waste
(Excretion), grow and develop (Growth), move (Movement), produce young ones (Reproduction) and respond to changes in their environment (Sensitivity). Each life process has particular functions
that are important to living things for their survival.

Activity 1.3: Identifying a life process

Key question
Can you tell a life process?

Activity 1.4: Finding out life processes and their importance
Key question
Can you tell a life process?

What you need
 pictures of living things involved in life processes
What you do
The pictures below show living things involved in life processes.
i) In pairs, study the pictures carefully.
ii) Identify the life process shown in each picture and state its importance(s) to the living organism. Fill the answers in the table provided below the pictures.

Exercise 1.0: Characteristics of living organisms’ word search
Instructions: Search for and circle seven words that refer to life processes. The words may appear straight across, backward straight across, up-down, down-up, or diagonally.

For each word found, use it in a sentence or statement that makes scientific sense.
2.0 Adam says plants take in carbon dioxide during the day and give out oxygen. Eve says plants take in oxygen throughout the day and at night. In your opinion, who would you agree with? Give reason(s) for
your response.

Differentiating Between Animals and Plants

From Activity 1.3, both plants and animals are living things and have common characteristics. However, some of the characteristics in plants and animals are carried out in different ways.

Activity 1.5: Finding out the differences in characteristics of plants and animals
Key question
How do plants and animals differ in their life processes?
What you need
 A plant in a pot
 A small animal e.g. a rat in a cage or an ant in a glass container
What you do
In small groups, observe the life processes of the two organisms and record your observations. Write what you observe for the plant and animal. Describe how the organism will carry out the life process.
Note: in some cases it may be difficult or impossible to observe the processes. In that case use textbooks, the Internet to prepare your findings or consult a teacher for guidance.

  1. Feeding
  2. Movement
  3. Sensitivity
  4. Excretion

Activity of Integration

You are a member of the Nature Club at your school. The club is developing an envorimental campaign for members of a community that lives next to a forest which is home to a troop of baboons. The
baboons regularly destroy the crops in the community’s gardens. The community members plan to get rid of the baboons permanently. The Nature Club has to raise awareness about repect for living things. You are given these 4 organisms and you are to elaborate a message showing their relation:

Chapter Summary

  • Biology is a branch of science that deals with living organisms.
  • Biology has several branches that can be applied in everyday life.
  • All living organisms undergo/perform life processes that distinguish them from non-living things.
  • There are seven life processes that enable all living organisms to survive.

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