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This Unit introduces us to Law and Order.


Laws are set of rules and regulations established by the state or any organization for the purpose of regulating behaviours of its members.

Or it refers to a documented, standardized and authoritative code of conduct meant to guide and regulate people’s behaviours.

There are various types of laws like civil laws which deal with the private affairs of citizens . For example school rules and regulations.

Law and Order: Introduction to Legal Studies - Red Comet

  • Customary laws, deal with observation of culture . For example marriage and land ownership.
  • Natural laws, they deal with feeding and sleeping rights.
  • Bi-laws, these adopted by small societies like the LC . For example prohibiting people from dumping garbage anyhow.
  • Supreme laws, in other words constitutional laws which govern the country.
  • Professional laws, such laws govern professionals in their conduct . For example teachers code of conduct.
  • Religious laws, these are laws set by given religion to guide the behaviours of its people.


Law and order serves the following importance;

  • To maintain peace and stability in the society. For example respect to marital laws to promote family stability and thus promoting proper child bringing.
  • Laws promote loyalty between the state and citizens as well as organizations.
  • Laws help in promoting justice in society. For example the supreme laws.
  • Laws help to overcome violence such as strikes and demonstrations which can lead to destruction of property and loss of lives.
  • Protecting the weak, disabled and less privileged members in the society.
  • Laws help in promoting diplomatic relationships between nations and organizations for example laws concerning the East African Community, laws concerning fishing on Lake Victoria.
  • Laws promote and maintain fundamental human rights and freedom. For example the law against termination of one’s life.
  • Laws help in regulating accidents and loss of lives the traffic laws that prohibit over speeding, drinking alcohol and driving under the influence of alcohol.
  • Laws help o eliminate wrong doers in the society and encourage good behaviour in return providing a basis for punishment.
  • It helps to protect the right and property of individuals for example customary and supreme laws.
  • Helps to promote religious practices for example encouragement of monogamy.
  • Helps to promote democratic leadership.
  • Laws help to promote national unity and harmony in the country for example the laws against tribalism and segregation.
  • Laws encourage good programme for example in schools poor performers may be banned from school.
  • Helps to control sexual immorality like rape, adultery, prostitution and defilement.
  • Helps to guard against misuse of leisure. For example public smoking, time to open video halls and bans in towns like Kampala is set by the law.
  • Helps to promote or preserve cultural beliefs and norms. For example the law concerning circumcision for example among Bagishu, Bakiga, Bakonjo, Sebei and others
  • Laws promote responsible parenthood . For example customary laws and supreme laws.


  • Ignorance of the law by most people.
  • Increasing levels of permissiveness in societies.
  • The escalating levels of poverty in the country leading to foreign money, stealing and ridging votes to win political ports.
  • Too much greed for power.
  • Corruption in courts of laws has also led to abuse of laws especially by the rich.
  • Militarization of politics and dictatorship which makes soldiers intimidate the judiciary and voters.
  • Putting up oppressive political ideologies such as single party system.
  • Disrespecting human rights like the right to vote, right of association, freedom of speech and others
  • Weak penalties offered in courts of laws have caused violation of laws through mob justice.
  • The wide spread unemployment and retrenchment of employees without warnings and benefits accorded to them.
  • The wide spread drugs in the society such as cubber, marijuana.
  • Lack of religious commitment.
  • Increasing gap between the rich and the poor.
  • Peer group influence.
  • Desire to become rich easily and quick.
  • Inadequate man power in some government department . For example police force.
  • Laziness of some people.
  • High lust leading to rape, defilement, prostitution.
  • Influence of pornographic literature.
  • Influence of the environment.


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