Uganda Martyrs University- Nkozi        Making a difference



The concept of a Catholic University in Uganda dates as far back as the nineteen forties, when the late Archbishop Joseph Kiwanuka conceived the idea. Unfortunately, various circumstances impeded the foundation of a university at that time. This proposal was renewed during the nineteen eighties, and was endorsed by the Uganda Episcopal Conference in 1989. The University was officially launched on March 24th 1991 by His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the President of Uganda.

Uganda Martyrs University was chartered on 17th August 1993, and the first academic year opened on Monday 18th October 1993, the anniversary of the canonization of the Uganda Martyrs. The University opened with 84 students (28 female and 56 male) from all parts of Uganda. But then, in the recent years we have enrolled more female than male students. Our present student population is 2,026.

Of these 459 are resident on campus. The other 1,567 are on distance learning programmes and part-time postgraduate courses in Kampala and various other parts of Uganda. On 18th October 1994, the University was officially opened in the presence of His Excellency President Yoweri K. Museveni, the Uganda Catholic Bishops, the Minister of Education, and a host of friends and well-wishers. Uganda Martyrs University is fully recognised by the Ministry of Education in Uganda and its degrees are conferred autonomously.

The vision of Uganda Martyrs University is derived from the Christian understanding of the person. It is committed to the development of each individual through education at all levels, stressing in particular the creation of an environment where intellectual and moral values are priorities.

Since the person is at the centre of all growth and development, both at individual and societal levels, all members of the community respect each other in an attempt to create an environment of openness and trust. The University is committed to promoting justice, respect, solidarity, human rights, equality and environmental protection, both in its own community and in society in general. The University is committed to providing quality education, while at the same time promoting and living by the non-negotiable values of service and respect.

The University community is committed to realising the aims and objectives of the University through democratic processes. The curricula of the University, which are continually revised to the benefit of the changing needs of society, aim at developing professional people who will combine career competence with a strong sense of moral responsibility and the social values demanded by the challenges of the world today. Students are encouraged to be creative, imaginative, entrepreneurial, and self-critical, through inventive, imaginative, interactive and invitational teaching.

The University stresses the right to academic freedom in its teaching, research and learning processes, while at the same time respecting the cultural heritage of African traditions and values. All students enrolled at the University are required to follow the ethics courses deemed relevant to their course of studies.

The University is committed to serving the community through outreach and community-oriented programmes and initiatives, especially in relation to the marginalized, poor and vulnerable. The dispersal of skills and the sharing of knowledge with the express aim of social transformation are intended to create mutually beneficial relationships.

The wish to implement practical sustainable development in our local rural setting means that the University is committed to respectful and sound environmental management. We recognise ourselves to be part of the whole biotic community and wish to live in harmony with our environment. While providing a higher education of quality, within which Christian and human values are priorities, the University upholds its Catholic identity of universality by being open to all regardless of religious affiliation.

The University implements its policy of non-discrimination on the grounds of race, tribe, sex, social status, or disability.

Faculty of Science

The vision of the Faculty of Science is derived from the recognition that real national development of the country and the entire mankind starts from serious study and understanding of science. Without a large section of the population internalizing science subjects and applying scientific methods of solving problems, development is bound to be staggered and slow.

The Faculty is, therefore, committed to training competent, high-level manpower in science subjects that will form a backbone for the stock of scientists in and outside Uganda to the highest levels within the reach of the University, while also enhancing and updating skills of staff by encouraging it to attain higher qualifications either through conventional studies and/or research and to publish results in local and or international publications. Facilitation towards this goal will be provided by the faculty whenever possible.

The Faculty encourages inter-disciplinary teaching across other faculties and visiting lectureship between universities (with which Uganda Martyrs University has established such cordial relationships), as well as amicable relationship between staff and its students so as to foster confidence among the students: which confidence will be of potential application when they leave the University and go out in the world to be on their own. While striving to achieve all the above, the faculty will actively participate in community outreach activities within its reach and capability.

Courses offered include:

Diploma in Computer Science Science (Nkozi and Masaka Teaching Centre)

Bachelor of Science general

BSc in Information Technology

BSc in Business Economics

Bsc in Financial Mathematics

MSc in Information Systems

MSc in Development Economics

Faculty of Agriculture

The Faculty of Agriculture was initiated in 2000 to meet the current qualitative and quantitative demand for professional agriculturists with hands-on skills, and who are able to sustainably address the need for modernization of agriculture and alleviation of poverty among the farming communities in Uganda. Our Mission.

The Faculty of Agriculture is to holistically build a critical quality and quantity of professional agriculturists with sustainable resource management hands on skills, in order to meet the University goal of creating an environment friendly atmosphere where intellectual and moral values are a priority, while contributing to the national goal of modernizing agriculture as a means of contributing to achieving food security, alleviating poverty and diversifying foreign exchange earners.

The way to achieve this will be through short and long-term, demand driven curricula, as well as farmer needs oriented outreach programs.


1. Bachelor of Science Agriculture (4 years Distance Learning Programme)

2. Bachelor of Science Organic Agriculture (4 years Distance Learning Programme)

3. Master of Science in Agro-ecology

4. Uganda Organic Agriculture Sector Training

Course Contacts

The Dean

Faculty of Agriculture

Uganda Martyrs University,

P.O. Box 5498, Kampala – UGANDA

EA. Tel: (+256) 038 410611

Fax: (+256) 038 410100


Faculty of Health Sciences

The Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) aims at forming a critical mass of health professionals with integrity, knowledge, managerial skills, attitudes and competencies that are needed to provide good quality health services to the Ugandan population.

The Faculty comprises of fourteen full time staff with reputable training experience in public health areas of; Health promotion and Education, Community Health Insurance, Quality and safety and Health Services Management. Analysis and discussion by participants, of their experiences are some of the most useful and enriching teaching and learning methods used throughout the course. Students are frequently given articles, studies and reports to read and summarise in presentations.

Interactive lectures, case studies, problem analysis, problem solving, practical exercises, guided sessions with audiovisual aids, are the main teaching methods in the faculty.

Programmes .

1. Certificate in Health Services Management.

2. Diploma in Health Services Management.

3. Diploma in Health Promotion and Education.

4. Advanced Diploma in Health Promotion and Education.

5. Advanced Diploma in Health Services Management.

6. Master of Science in Health Services Management.

7. Bachelors in Public Health and Health Promotion.

8. Diploma in Community Health Insurance.

9. Diploma in Quality and Safety.


The Administrator

Faculty of Health Sciences.

Ms Nyangoma Gevinah

Mobile: 0782445465

E-mail: ,

Faculty of Education

The Faculty of Education is committed to achieving Uganda Martyrs University’s goal of offering holistic general education required for the development of the human person in a way that is qualitative, affordable, and convenient to the students.

It attempts to achieve this objective through a combination of traditional face-to-face and distance-learning approaches utilizing well designed modules. The Faculty recognizes that in this radically changing environment, it is extremely important that in order to survive, individuals must continuously update their skills and knowledge about society.

For this reason, it is committed to promoting continuous professional development of qualified teachers who need to be equipped with new pedagogical approaches and relevant knowledge in the field of education and society.

The Faculty recognizes further that the major challenge to be faced in this millennium is to provide education without distance barriers, everywhere, and for everyone. The mission of the Faculty of Education is to be a leader in the field of education by stocking the education system with unique and well differentiated teachers required for development in the region.

Faculty of the Built Environment (FOBE)

The mission of the Faculty is to be relevant to current and future needs of developing countries and to educate outstanding men and women with design creativity and technical competence. The Faculty recognises that in a continuously changing built environment, professional experience and research are important contributors to achieve its mission.

Most courses in the Faculty are taught using a project-based integrated teaching approach, that integrates design, with the techniques and practices of construction, structures, materials and building services within a theoretical and historical context, keeping in mind human needs (social, physiological and cultural).

These are supported by Workshops, Field Experience and Field Trips. What distinguishes the faculty of Built Envionment with other faculties that are similar in nature in other universities is the fact that the faculty offers programs that in line with international professional standards with an integrated curriculum that encourages a holistic approach to designed environments. The faculty as well possesses an in-house consultancy in the area of built environment.

This consultancy provides professional support to students under- going training in the various programmes offered in the faculty. Yet, to make matters better, the faculty has course instructors and guest lecturers from Uganda and Abroad.

Besides, the Faculty of the Built Environment boasts of an operational Materials Testing Laboratory and a Computer Aided Design Laboratory equipped with the latest Macintosh models, and up to date CAD software.

Senior students have access to Drafting Boards in a dedicated studio with wired and wireless internet access


Bachelor of Environmental Design (B.Envi.Des.)

Advanced Diploma in Environmental Design (Adv.Dipl.(Envi.Des.))

Master of Architecture (Professional) (M.Arch.)

Master of Landscape Architecture (M.Land.Arch.)

Master of Environmental Design (M.Envi.Des)

The Faculty of Business Administration and Management

The main thrust of the faculty to a large extent, revolves around the provision of an academic curriculum which attempts to blend managerial theory and practice. The faculty aims at training a graduate who has understood and internalized managerial theory.

The graduate will also acquire useful managerial skills and attitudes which can be applied in a relevant fashion to varied work scenarios.

Courses offered

Bachelor of Business Administration and Management (BAM)

Degree Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Degree The Institute of Ethics and Development Studies

The Institute of Ethics and Development Studies was one of the pioneer departments of Uganda Martyrs University.

Under it are:

the Department of Good Governance and Peace Studies, Department of Ethics, Department of Development Studies and the Department of African Studies.

The Institute of Ethics and Development Studies was set up to train professionals who will have a role to play in the development of the country. The development courses offered by the Institute concentrate on growth at all levels: individual, community, societal, cultural, and economic, and emphasise the fact that sustainable and sustained development promotes growth for all members of society, while at the same time respecting the environment.

The Institute offers unique qualifications at Diploma, B.A. and M.A. levels. The multi-disciplinary nature of the programmes focuses on the process of change (both structural and institutional) in politics, economics, culture, gender, and the environment, while at the same time, keeping an eye on global and international developments.

The courses offered examine a wide range of issues including; sustainable development, democracy, ethics, economic and political relations, poverty, law, human rights, gender relations, rural development, good governance and so on. The degrees and diplomas offered by the Institute provide a comprehensive education that is also practical and geared towards employment openings in various professional sectors.

Students enrolled at the Institute for academic programmes will receive education of first-class quality. The degree courses presently on offer will expose students to an in-depth examination of issues that are considered extremely relevant to the needs of Uganda and Africa today. The Institute of Ethics and Development Studies is sensitive to the learning needs of individuals.

In addition to formal lectures, tutorial work, guided group work, field experiences and informal discussions characterize the teaching methods of the Institute staff who are committed to fulfilling the mission of the University in relation to quality education which can be realized through the values of service and respect.

Graduates of the Institute should have mastered and internalised certain ethical values, which will add an extra dimension to the skills they will bring to professional positions. Apart from offering its own diploma and degree programmes, the Institute also offer certain courses that are compulsory for all students attending the University.

These courses include the basic elements needed for an understanding of the ethics of the profession for which they are preparing themselves. The choice of courses will be subject to the approval of the academic staff of the Institute in agreement with the academic staff of the other faculties and departments.


The Registrar

Uganda Martyrs University,

P.O. Box 5498, Kampala – UGANDA EA.

Tel: (+256) 038 410611

Fax: (+256) 038 410100



Uganda Martyrs University – Nkozi

P.O Box : 5498 Kampala, Uganda

Tel : +256-(0) 382-410611

Fax : +256-(0) 382-410100


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